What is IPPI ?

Indian Parliamentarian Popularity Index - IPPI is a initiative to decode the performance of our Lok Sabha Members and the perception of the voters about them.

Normally this type of Index or awards focus on the Parliamentary performance of our Lok Sabha lawmakers inside the parliament taking into account their attendance in the house, number of questions they have asked, number of Debates they have participated and the number of private bills they have presented.

But any analysis based on these data can be deceptive as the perception of voters, the development work done in the Constituency and other economic and social parameters are equally important to judge the popularity of an MP.

Through IPPI, we have tried to reduce these short comings and has taken a holistic view towards the popularity of a lawmaker from Lok Sabha.


What are the parameters on which IPPI score is based?

1. Attendance in Parliament.
2. Quantitative records of Parliament. ( No. of Questions, Debates, Private Bills )
3. Quality of Questions asked in the parliament.
4. Social Media Popularity.
5. Public Activities of the Member of Parliament while in Constituency.
6. Public Perception.
7. Public Conduct.
8. Criminal Cases.
9. Past Electoral Records

What are the weights given to each parameter while calculating IPPI Score ?

1. Attendance in Parliament - 1
2. Quantitative records of Parliament. ( No. of Questions, Debates, Private Bills )- 1
3. Quality of Questions asked in the parliament. -1
4. Social Media Popularity. -2
5. Public Activities of the Member of Parliament while in Constituency. -2
6. Public Perception. -2
7. Public Conduct. -0.33
8. Criminal Cases. -0.33
9. Past Electoral Records-0.33

What are the grades of performance with IPPI taken as base?

A IPPI score of more than 9.0 can be considered as excellent. A IPPI Score between 8.5 to 9.0 can be considered as good. Between 8.0 to 8.5 can be considered as Average. Between 7.5-8.0 is below average and Score below 7.5 is poor.

How IPPI is calculated ?

All calculations are done based on IPPI Base structure. Above the base line the candidate gets .10 Bps per unit and below the Baseline the candidate loses .10Bps. Thus base line is like a regression line around which scores are calculated with a Square Method tool.

Are the reports available with IPPI score are final?

No. The reports of Individual MPs available with IPPI score is only the overview of the works and related parameters. The exhaustive reports on each Lok Sabha is only available to respective parliamentarians, Political Parties and General Public only on demand.